Parsnip and Broccoli Mix

Ingredients :

· 8 oz. parsnips
· 4 oz. broccoli
· 1-1/4 cups formula milk

(Cooking Measurements)

Cooking Procedures :

1. Trim and peel the parsnips and place in a colander with the broccoli. Rinse the parsnips and broccoli under cold water. Chop the parsnips and cut the broccoli into florets, slicing the stems.

2. Put the parsnips in a saucepan with the milk, bring to the boil and then cover and simmer for about 10 minutes.

3. Add the broccoli and simmer for a further 10 minutes or until the vegetables are soft.

4. Purée or sieve the vegetable mixture to make a completely smooth purée.

5. Spoon a little into a bowl. Test the temperature and cool if necessary, before giving to baby.

6. Cover the remaining purée and transfer to the fridge as soon as possible. Use within 24 hours. This is suitable for freezing.

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